Ocean Renewable Energy – EMR 2013 - October 9-10, 2013, Brest (France)
Call for Papers 1st announcement - Deadline: November 15, 2012
Given a high level of research, engineering and projects development activities in the field of Ocean Renewable energy, it appeared essential to the French “Societé Hydrotechnique de France” (SHF), in partnership with France-Energies-Marines institute and Ifremer, to hold a conference dedicated to Ocean Energy development. The objective of this conference is to share the best available technical and scientific information, developed in France and abroad.
This conference is open to power industry companies, equipment suppliers, technology developers, research organizations, consulting and public works companies, associations and NGOs, and public institutions.
The conference will focus on the following areas:
• Ocean energy potential in France (metropolitan and overseas regions), in Europe and worldwide, for different marine energy conversion technologies : hydrokinetics or in-stream power, tidal power, wave power, and offshore wind power ; opportunities for coastal marine pumped-storage facilities will also be addressed ;
• Maturity of technologies and projects, developed in France and worldwide : technical gaps ; R&D efforts to bridge the gaps ; qualification of technologies performance and reliability ; supporting conditions for industrial development (connection to the grid, supporting infrastructures) ;
• Social and environmental integration of projects, and impact assessment criteria ;
• Institutional and financial frameworks (France, Europe) : public / private actions in support to technology development ; partnerships ;
• Training and skills development: news methods, new tools, new engineers and researchers generations for new technologies ; synergy with other industrial cultures (e.g. offshore engineering).
To submit your abstract:
Deadline: November 15, 2012, 1 or 2 pages A4, in French or English
Email abstract to: : n.sheibani@shf-hydro.org