MoMARSAT 2011 Cruise: Back on-location at Atlantic hydrothermal vents after a year of remote observations!
The MoMARSAT research cruise, led jointly by IFREMER and the Institute of Earth Physics of Paris (IPGP) (CNRS/University Paris 7-Diderot and University of Réunion), will sail from 28 June to 23 July on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge off the Azores. The objective of this expedition aboard the research vessel Pourquoi pas? is to recover the instruments that were deployed a year ago. These instruments have been continuously monitoring seismic activity and the hydrothermal vents on the Lucky Strike volcano located at 1700 m depth. The scientific party will recover the instruments, retrieve the data and then attempt to turn this instrument array into a permanent deep-sea observatory of the future.
See the following press release: