Unified management for the French fleet of ocean research vessels

The Mixed Service Unit (UMS) ‘French ocean research vessel fleet’ was created on 2 March 2011 for an initial duration of four years.

It is supported by four research operators: the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the French Research Institute for the Exploration of the Sea (Ifremer, the French Polar Institute ‘Paul Emile Victor' (IPEV) and the French Research Institute for Development (IRD).

This new unit acts on the conclusions drawn by the Strategic and Technical Fleet Commission (CSTF) in charge of drawing up a national strategy for maritime resources for oceanographic research.

The French fleet of ocean research vessels will thus maintain its position at the forefront of international fleets, particularly in Europe, and consolidate its significant technological lead in underwater exploration systems and core samplers. [...]

> Full press release (in French):