Local partnerships
The local partnerships in which IFREMER is involved are of three different types:
Joint research units (UMR)
UMR LOPS - Laboratoire d’océanographie physique et spatiale
The objectives of the Spatial and Physical Oceanography Laboratory (LOPS) are to document the state of the ocean and its variability for a better understanding of the physical and biogeochemical processes that govern ocean currents, the structuring of pelagic ecosystems and the observed state of the sea surface.
UMR LM2E - Laboratoire de Microbiologie des environnements extremes
The Microbiology of Extreme Environments (LM2E) laboratory conducts research programmes on microbes that live in extreme environments, primarily in oceanic settings.
UMR AMURE - Droit et économie de la mer
The Marine and Maritime Law and Economics research unit focuses its activities on the economic and legal analysis of public policies with regard to maritime activities and marine and coastal space.
UMR LEMAR- Laboratoire des sciences de l’environnement marin
The Marine Environmental Sciences Laboratory aims to study and model marine systems in the biosphere, define the characteristics of the environment and its organisms and identify their interactions.
UMR EIO - Écosystèmes Insulaires Océaniens
Studies at the Oceanic Insular Ecosystems Laboratory are centred around the analysis of interactions between humans and their environment in oceanic insular ecosystems.
UMR LEEISA - Laboratoire Ecologie, Evolution, Interactions des Systèmes amazoniens
The Ecology, Evolution, and Interactions in Amazonian Ecosystems Laboratory studies the environment in all its facets at various time and spatial scales.
UMR IHPE – Interactions Hôtes-Pathogènes-Environnement
The Host-Pathogen Interactions and Environment research unit explores interacting biological systems involving various invertebrate species.
UMR MARBEC - MARine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation
The MARBEC research unit studies marine biodiversity in lagoons and coastal and ocean ecosystems, mainly in the Mediterranean and tropical regions.
Laboratories of Excellence (LabEx)
LabEx Mer (Western France)
In the context of climate change and resource rarefaction, the Marine Laboratory of Excellence aims to enhance knowledge and understanding of the functioning of the ocean.
LabEx CeMEB (Montpellier)
The Mediterranean Environment and Biodiversity Laboratory of Excellence is interested in the dynamics and functioning of biodiversity and ecosystems with regard to environmental changes (especially those caused by human activities).
LabEx COTE (Bordeaux)
The Evolution, Adaptation, and Governance of Continental and Coastal Ecosystems cluster of excellence seeks to understand and predict the ecosystem responses to human-induced changes and provide the tools and methods to control or direct these changes.
The Coral Reefs laboratory of excellence endeavours to provide a platform of knowledge on coral ecosystems and their changes in response to global change, and of better sustainable management plans for these resources.
Associations of universities and higher education institutions (COMUE).
Associations of universities and higher education institutions (COMUE)
COMUEs associate and federate higher education institutions and research institutes across a given local or regional area.