Scientific strategy

IFREMER harbours a wide range of scientific disciplines and expertise. However, the production of knowledge and the research activities conducted by the Institute are planned out in conjunction with other research institutes and universities.

These partnerships play out nationally and internationally through joint supervision of PhD students and active local collaborations.

Post-doctoral researchers

IFREMER offers post-doctoral positions to young French or foreign scientists who have completed their PhD and wish to pursue their career in research, development and innovation in various fields of marine sciences : technology, aquaculture, fisheries, environment, risks analysis, physics of the oceans, etc. 

Visiting scientists

Each year, IFREMER hosts visiting scientists of all nationalities as part of its scientific cooperation programmes.

International Research Funding Opportunities

Every year, Ifremer welcomes foreign researchers of all nationalities wishing to collaborate with our research teams or to apply for an International/European funding in the following topics:

  • Protect and restore the ocean.
  • Sustainably use marine resources to benefit society.
  • Create and share ocean data, information & knowledge.

Local scientific collaborations

The Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MENESR) seeks to develop local scientific and education collaborations: higher education and research institutions are encouraged to coordinate their degree programmes, their research activities and their innovation strategies on a local geographic level to promote the visibility and attractiveness of research and higher education in France.

Library and publications

Politique de site

Le Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (MENESR) a affirmé sa volonté de développer une politique de site géographique : les établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche sont invités à coordonner leur politique de formation, de recherche et d’innovation sur tous les sites afin de donner plus de visibilité et d’attractivité à la Recherche et à l’Enseignement supérieur français.

Accueil de chercheurs étrangers

L’Ifremer accueille chaque année des chercheurs étrangers pour de courts séjours (3 semaines à 3 mois), dans le cadre de coopérations scientifiques.

Library and publications

The La Perouse Library, a joint facility shared by the UBO, IFREMER and IRD & Archimer – IFREMER’s institutional archives