The Information System for Integrated Management and Monitoring (Valorisation de l’Information pour la Gestion Intégrée Et la Surveillance — VIGIES) service provides operational and methodological support for research units in charge of observing and monitoring the coast.

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This support service has three main areas of action:

  • Coordination of scientific assessments carried out for public authorities in charge of coastal marine environment protection and management, for the WFD and the MSFD in particular, coordination of environmental monitoring implemented by IFREMER for these two directives and operational coordination of the Phytoplankton and Hydrology Observation and Monitoring (Réseau d’Observation et de Surveillance du Phytoplancton et de l'Hydrologie — REPHY) network.
  • Data management: the service handles the Quadrige²information system, the national database for coastal and WFD networks. The service is in charge of updating this information system, administrating it and ensuring its compliance with the national and European quality assurance and data exchange standards.
  • Utilisation of observation and monitoring data: for the general public as well as for governmental and scientific institutions, the service meets the national and European requirements for the analysis and availability of data, as stipulated in the AarhusConvention.

The main jobs of VIGIES are to coordinate scientific assessments, organise and manage complex environmental projects, design and manage information systems and geographic information systems, visual information systems, Internet publications, statistics, data processing and analysis.