The project
Theme: Global ocean observations for ocean and climate research and prediction: preparing the next decade of Argo.
The main challenge is to set up an effective monitoring of the world ocean and to strengthen French leadership in ocean and climate research and prediction. The overall objective of NAOS is to consolidate and improve the French and European contribution to the international Argo observing system and to prepare the next decade of Argo. Argo floats are autonomous profiling floats measuring in real time and every 10 days temperature and salinity throughout the deep global oceans, down to 2,000 meters. NAOS will develop and validate the next generation of Argo profiling floats. New float capabilities will include: improved performances, integration of biogeochemical sensors, deeper measurements (3,500 m) and under-ice operations in the polar seas. All these evolutions are essential to improve our knowledge on the role of ocean on climate.
NAOS results from a strong partnership between IFREMER (coordinator), UPMC (co-coordinator), CNRS, UBO/IUEM (PRES UEB), SHOM, and two private companies: CLS for satellite telecommunication aspects and the NKE SME which is in charge of the industrialization and commercialization of French Argo floats.
Coordinator: IFREMER (Pierre-Yves Le Traon –
Partners: UPMC (co-coordinator), CNRS, UBO/IUEM (PRES UEB), SHOM, and two private companies: NKE and CLS.
Laboratories: LOV, LOCEAN, LPO, LOS, RDT, UMI Takuvik