Becoming a senior marine technician
Courses are available in general education or technical schools
- Brevet de technicien, Technology or Professional Baccalauréat;
- After obtaining a Baccalauréat, BTS (Brevet de technicien supérieur) or DUT (Diplôme d'institut universitaire de technologie in applied biology, chemistry, physical measurements...)
- Various technical schools.
Specialisations exist, especially for biota (shellfish, mussels, fish ...) in institutions such as:
- The LPMA (Lycées Professionnels Maritimes et Aquacoles: high schools for training in maritime and aquaculture professions, see list available from the Ministry of the Sea), for example Lycée de la mer Paul Bousquet in Sète, for fisheries or CAP or BEP in shellfish farming, and vocational baccalauréat in "marine cultures";
- The agricultural colleges and aquaculture for the preparation of BEPA, OLT or BTSA in "aquaculture production";
- L'Institut national des sciences et techniques de la mer (Intechmer / CNAM - Cherbourg) for the preparation of a Diplôme de technicien supérieur de la mer (two options are available: Biological engineering and marine production or Marine environment engineering) in 2 years, and the degree of "Bachelor Oceanographer, Prospecting the marine realm" in 3 years;
- Ecole nationale de commercialisation des produits de la mer (Lorient), l'Institut national de plongée professionnelle - National Institute of professional diving (Marseille), le Creufop (Montpellier)
- Some universities (Montpellier, Villeurbanne, Lille ...) for the preparation of a DEUST. Notably, the DEUST "Marine and coastal technician diploma" at University of the Littoral - Opal Coast in Calais
- DUTs in Mechanical and Production Engineering from different university technical schools can lead to work in companies that design equipment, ROVs or marine motors.